Courses Details

Course Fee

The fee for the training is One thousand, five hundred US Dollars per participant. The fee covers the following:
  • Cutting Edge tuition, professionally delivered by our distinguished faculty members.
  • Comprehensive Training Text
  • Writing Materials
  • Training Bag
  • Tea/Coffee Break/lunch
  • Group Photograph
  • Training Certificate
  • Branded T-Shirt and Cap
  • A day study tour
Introduction To Topic

For an organization to achieve maximum profit there must be an effective cost control for this to be achievable. Any costs incurred by a firm may be classed into two groups: fixed costs and variable costs. Fixed costs, which occur only in the short run, are incurred by the organization at any level of output, including zero output.

Target Participant

Financial Managers, Policy makers, Accountants, Auditors, Managers, Project Managers, Financial Analysts, Bankers, Executive Directors, Managing Directors

Why You Should Attend

Financial Managers, Policy makers, Accountants, Auditors, Managers, Project Managers, Financial Analysts, Bankers, Executive Directors, Managing Directors

At the end of the training, participants will:
    • Acquire a good profit maximizing strategy to control their cost
    • Learn how to explore the economies of scale and trimming profit margins
    • Learn the skill of penetration policy strategy to maximize their revenue
    • Learn how to skim price to maximize their profits especially when dealing with customers that are not too sensitive price changes

Course Content

     An Overview of Cost Control
     Developing a Cost Control Plan
     Strategies for building an Effective Cost Control System
     Budgetary Techniques and Cost Control Measures
     Effective Cost Control for Profit Maximization
     Tools and Processes of Cost Control
     Maximizing profit through Strategic Pricing
     Revenue Maximization Strategies