Courses Details


Date: 18th – 22nd March, 2024
Venue: New york, USA

Course Fee

The fee for the training is $1,500 (One thousand US Dollars only)per participant. The fee covers the following:
  • Cutting Edge tuition, professionally delivered by our distinguished faculty members.
  • Comprehensive Training Text
  • Writing Materials
  • Customized Training Bag
  • Tea/Coffee Break
  • Lunch
  • Group Photograph
  • Training Certificate
  • Branded T-Shirt and Cap
Introduction To Topic

Every business unit emphasizes on spurting a long term relationship with customers to nurture its stability in today’s blooming market. Customer’s expectations are now not only limited to get best products and services, they also need a face-to-face business in which they want to receive exactly what they demand and in a quick time. Relationship Management is an upright concept or strategy to solidify relations with customers and at the same time reducing cost and enhancing productivity and profitability in business

Target Participant

Public Relations Officers, Marketing Officers and Analysts, Strategic Planners, Customer Care Officers, Business Managers, Sales and Marketing Officers, Heads of Department, Brand and Product Managers.

Why You Should Attend

Relationships build business and activities that support relationships are the most cost effective means of gaining and retaining new clients. This program is inspirational and motivational while also extremely tactical and practical. Our goal is to deliver programs that build skills and understanding of the Relationship management and Marketing processes while empowering participants with tactics and techniques that expand their client base. Anyone who works for your firm is an ambassador for the firm and a potential channel for a new business

At the end of the training, participants will:
  • Gain high value–added contacts and businesses.
  • Integrate selling techniques with relationship management strategies.
  • Align marketing strongly in all departments.
  • Track relationship management results.
  • Utilize marketing and relationship management skills for renewed advantage

Course Content

  • Overview of Relationship Marketing
  • Measurement Guides to Assess Relational Depth
  • Objectives and Key Responsibilities of the Relationship Manager
  • Work/Social Values of the Relationship Manager
  • Identifying and Handling Competitors
  • High-Performance Selling
  • Selling v. Marketing.
  • Identifying Short and long term opportunities
  • Business Economics
  • Strategic Product Network Marketing